We are facing unprecedented times, marked not only by climate collapse, but also the tearing of the social fabric, due to increased socioeconomic inequality, political polarization, mistrust of institutions and expertise, bellicism, and erosion of an international rules-based order.
Such context is contributing to a growing interest in the performance of the role of “social learning spaces” by community-led initiatives (CLIs) where alternatives to the status quo are experimented with, enacted, and coordinated (Egmose, Hauggaard-Nielsen, and Jacobsen 2022).
We invite researchers, practitioners, activists and policymakers to submit proposals for contributions to this conference, focusing on how CLIs contribute to the regeneration of socioeconomic systems threatened or affected by social, ecological, institutional or political collapse, namely by promoting cultural (including ethical) perspectives that emphasise cyclicity over linearity, therefore supporting regenerative and tendentially post-extractivist approaches to livelihoods.
We are looking for contributions exploring the role of CLIs in the rebuilding of livelihoods and institutions in the following contexts – 7 thematic fields:
- The aftermath of environmental disasters.
- Armed conflicts and peacebuilding initiatives.
- Weakening of the rule of law and emergence of parallel structures of governance based on organized crime.
- Culture wars, political polarization and radicalization (namely in the framework of the re-emergence of the far-right and threats to the rights of women, girls and the LGBTQI+ population).
- Supporting grassroots resistance to authoritarianism, marginalization and oppression, namely through embodied activism and trauma-informed practices.
- Promoting grassroots-led transnational cooperation in a context of increased isolationism and fragmentation of the world order.
- Problematizing current trends in the application and usage of information technologies for collective action, as well as promoting their democratization and accountability.
We aim to promote interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives at both theoretical, conceptual, and methodological levels. Submissions might be based on formal research or on concrete activist, economic or public policy initiatives.
Session on Research and Methods Design
We strongly encourage the submission of paper proposals by Ph.D. students on the methodological and ethical dimensions of research within these six fields of inquiry, with the purpose of organising a workshop on this topic for early career scholars, which will take place during the conference.
We welcome the submission of the following type of proposals:
- paper abstracts (research papers or experience reports by practitioners or activists);
- book presentation proposals on topics relevant to the five thematic fields of the conference.
- session proposals containing the name of presenters, as well as the title and complete abstract of each presentation.
All submitted proposals must have a maximum length of 400 words (excluding references) and indicate which thematic field/s of the conference they address, along with five keywords.
Important!! All proposals must be submitted in docx format, calibri lettering, size 12, single-spaced and justified, APA references.
Each individual author (or group of co-authors) can submit a maximum of two proposals. They can be submitted in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish. However, the language of presentation shall be English. They should include:
In the case of an academic paper or research proposals by Ph.D. students:
- a) Title.
- b) Thematic field (one of the seven proposed by the conference).
- c) Extended abstract referring to the theoretical and methodological approach, the main argument, and a summary of conclusions/implications for research, activism or policymaking.
- d) Main references
In the case of an experience report by practitioners or activists:
- a) Title;
- b) Thematic field (one of the seven proposed by the conference);
- c) Abstract containing: a short description of the experience; a brief context analysis; innovation in political, environmental or societal terms; main challenges; future trends.
- d) Main references
Note: this presentation is not expected to be an institutional presentation but instead a moment of self-reflection on the experience and for dialogue with partners. Beyond the achievements by the organisation, the paper/presentation should also point out challenges, changes of direction and innovative perspectives to deal with shortcomings, constraints and lock-ins.
In the case of a book presentation proposal:
- a) Title;
- b) Thematic field (one of the five proposed by the conference);
- c) Extended abstract referring to the theoretical and methodological approach, the main argument, and a brief summary of conclusions/implications for research, activism or policy-making.
Session proposals should include:
- a) Title of the panel;
- b) Thematic field (one of the five proposed by the conference), along with five keywords;
- c) A brief (up to 300 words) statement summarising the rationale for the panel.
- d) Individual abstracts for each presentation (maximum 400 words each, excluding references), referring to the theoretical and methodological approach, the main argument, a summary of conclusions/implications for research, activism or policy-making and main references.
In your proposal, please indicate whether you would like to submit a full paper for online publication, with peer-review and in open-source format, in a website that the conference organisers will create for that purpose. The papers will be published during the first semester of 2026.
The Call for Contributions and submission will close on May 31st 2025 and registrations will open July 1st 2025. Please visit Important Dates.
Grants and Bursaries requests: Due to lack of funding SSE Organization is not able to offer any grants, travel support or registration fee waivers.
Face-to-face event: This event is fully presential. It is not possible to present or attend online.
We will post regular updates about the organisation of this conference on the event’s webpage (https://ssecommons.cei.iscte-iul.pt ), as well as send them by e-mail and through the social media accounts of CEI-IUL (Facebook and Twitter). Any questions regarding organisation of the conference or participation can be sent to ssecommons.cei@iscte-iul.pt.
Steering Committee:
- Ana Margarida Esteves (CEI-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Luciane Lucas dos Santos (CES U Coimbra)
- Tom Henfrey (Independent scholar, Portugal)
- Roman Hausmann (Institute for Ecological Economics – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria)